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 RPG - the new breed

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Antall Innlegg : 903
Location : I Kios sokkeskuff....
Humor : Alt som ikke er morsomt
Registration date : 02.01.2008

RPG - the new breed Empty
PosteTema: RPG - the new breed   RPG - the new breed Icon_minitimeMan Jul 13, 2009 3:00 pm

just because I want to, I'll be posting my RPG with Kyo on the new breed

and it's in english, because I have fridits ^^
(and yes, I am Kanon, the allmighty sexy beast!)


Cease and Desist [open]
His head was spinning, and technically the officer was still considered 'On Duty' thanks to the fact he was out roaming about the streets. It bothered him that he could still technically be considered a cop that was entitled to put the law and civilians before himself when honestly all he wanted was to go to sleep and rid himself of the side-splitting headache he was feeling. That kid had done a number on his head and after a few small cups of coffee he was feeling remotely better. The migraine had dulled to a headache and blinding fury to a dull hum of irritation. Kyo sighed as he sat at the bar of the small restaurant, staring down forlornly at the third cup of coffee that remained untouched. Beside him rested an ashtray, several half-smoked cigarettes put out in it with smoke still drifting up from a couple thanks to not being put out properly.

The restaurant was relatively empty, save for a couple at the far end of the quaint little shop and some homeless looking guy in a booth on the other end. The two people working seemed apathetic to it, however, simply conversing with one and other. Kyo sighed in relief as he closed his eyes, body slumping forward and hands reaching out to rub at his temples in frustration. Thank God for picking a restaurant that wasn't busy and seemed to hold people that offered no trouble to him or the community. It was a rare chance that he got these moments of peace and quiet in the city, and when he did he made sure to take full advantage of it.

Kyo knew that he couldn't just go home, no matter how frustrated and sickly he felt. Unfortunately he figured that knowing his luck, something would happen if he left duty early and simultaneously cause the city to implode and thus fucking him over career wise. Never mind that the city would implode, he just wanted to make sure he had a steady paycheck every damn month. He never did have the best of luck with work and scheduling, anyway. It was only a matter of time before his boss gave him some fucked up hours like 11-5 one day then 9-5 the next. Maybe he was in so much pain via the head not because of that failed experiment kid, but because his sleeping patterns were fucked as shit.

Regardless he shook it off, opening his eyes to stare at his reflection through the coffee for a brief moment before he took another sip. He hated the shit, but why he drank it he would never know. To stay awake, probably. The door to the restaurant opened with a chime, and he didn't even bother to look over his shoulder and see who it could be. He simply entertained himself with playing with the ashes in the ash tray.


It was his fourth job today. His frikkin' fourth job since seven am! Kanon cursed under his breath as he entered the resturant through the main entrance, making his way to the bar. Why did he take on so many part time jobs?

Oh, right.

He had to pay his rent. And electrisity. And other people's rent. And those people's electricity bills. Being involved in the mafia wasn't an easy job. The dark haired failed experiment made a mental note to himself, to retire as soon as possible.

Kanon strode quickly threw the tiny locals of the resturant, over to the bar counter, and ducked under and behind it. "Kanon-san! How many times do I have to tell you to use the back door? Why do you keep using the main entrance anyway?" the bartender hissed, already forgetting the tall blonde waitress he had been conversing with only seconds ago. She rolled her eyes, and then balanced on her needle thin heels over to the other end of the resturant. "Because it's a short cut" he replied noncallantly. "Now leave. Your shift's done, and I'm taking over from here."

The bartender obeyed without question. They always did when he used that tone, and Kanon was in no mood to have an argument with a stupid co-worker.

As the man left, Kanon studied the situation of the bar. It was a thursday night, so there weren't too many customers. Three of them in the back, doing their usual customer stuff, and one sitting alone at a table rather close to the counter. Seeing as he had nothing better to do, Kanon studied the blonde man. He was just sitting there, poking the ash tray, with an almost untouched cup of coffee standing at the centre of the table. Judging by the number of stumped cigaretted in the ash tray, and by the hunched way the man sat, Kanon guessed he's been sitting there for a good while. The coffe must've gotten cold by now, unless he'd ordered a refill or two. His expression was sullen, or fuming, with a drag of irritation. but the failed experiment kinda found him interresting.

The dark haired shoot a quick glance back at the three other customers, the couple was chatting quietly, and the shaggy guy hadn't moved, all their glasses were almost full of liquor or other alcohol-ish drinks, and then he shrugged to himself. Why not? As long as he was gonna be here for four hours, and it didn't look like anybody'd be needing him for a while, why not go over and try to chat with the blonde piss-off-mask person?

"Wouldn't that coffee be cold by now?" he asked, just blurting out with the first thing he could think of. Kanon mentally banged his head into an invisible wall repeatingly. Suddenly he felt unbelievably silly. Well well. Not like he had the energy to really care anyway.


Initially he hadn't even registered that someone had been talking to him, the voice floating across his head and resting on his dead ears. The officer just continued to smoke broodingly and stare down at the black coffee, until finally he seemed to realized he was being addressed and lifted his eyes once more to let them rest on the embarrassed looking waiter (at least, he figured it was a waiter) in front of him. Kyo stared at the taller man coldly for a few moments before his gazed softened, simply too worn out to truly try and be menacing in anyway. What was the point when you had a headache the size that he had and eyes felt like they were going to fall out of your head?

“Mm?” he hummed softly in recognition, brain taking a couple of moments to process what had been said to him. Kyo looked at the cup of coffee, setting the cigarette in the ash tray momentarily as he touched the cup. He hadn't touched this round, at least not to his knowledge, for quite some time, so of course the feeling was nothing but a lukewarm sensation once his skin touched the flimsy material the liquid rested in. “I suppose it is,” he chuckled softly, smoothing a hand through his hair as he leaned back against his seat and glanced back up at the waiter.

At first he was wondering why some person had randomly come up to him and started talking about coffee to him. Was this some kind of a half-assed attempt to get his attention in a vain attempt to hit on him? Though once he registered the outfit and the embarrassed behavior, Kyo couldn't help but chuckle. A fidgety employee with nothing better to do, it appeared. Alright, he could humor this kid. He was the only person to talk to in this shit hole, anyway, and the kid looked like he had suffered a rough week (or life, who knew?). With an out reached hand he gave the cup to the taller, offering a weak attempt at a smile as he picked up his cigarette again and took a much needed drag.

“You're welcome to bring me a new one. Make yourself one, too. You can keep me company, since it's obvious you have nothing better to do. I don't mind. And don't look so nervous, I ain't gonna bite your head off.” Maybe.


Nervous? Kanon looked nervous? Well that was certainly a new one. Restless, bored out of his mind, and irritated at the world and everything that belonged to it maybe, but nervous? He couldn't helpt but chuckle softly as he went to fetch a new cup of coffee.

Returning with a reeking hot cup between his hands, Kanon carefully placed it on the table in front of the blonde man. It amused him a litte how it looked like he was in pain or something, and he smirked. Then he sat down across from him, straddling the chair, quickly sinking into the role of customer instead of waiter, knowing he'd get in trouble if they though he was slacking on duty. With this, the waitress wouldn't notice anything until they had at least five more customers at the same time in the small locals, and that would most likely not happen tonight.

Eyeing the other, obviously older man, Kanon also noticed the strong smell of cigarettes, and also noting he half full ash tray they used to empty after each customer... So he was right. This guy had been sitting here for quite some time.

"Not much to do here tonight," the dark haired mumbled, now focusing his eyes on a tiny red spot on the creamy white table cloth. Someone had been drinking red wine or something here earlier today. Kanon sighed and brought his eyes back to the bonde on the opposite end of the tiny table. He somehow had a tired shadow over his face. "Rough night?" the failed experiment asked


To be frank, he didn't quite know why he asked for a cup of coffee. He hadn't touched the cup he had with him and honestly he didn't feel like drinking any more. It was probably the comfort having the cup brought, and Kyo always was the type who preferred to sit and stare at something rather than actually make use of it. A bad habit he acquired in his youth, no doubt.

A wry smile crossed the officer's lips as he watched the taller man sit across from him, visibly amused by how easily he had slipped into role of customer so quickly. “Looks like you do this often. Trying to get away from an annoying co-worker or simply hate your job?” he questioned, index finger tracing along the rim of the coffee as he watched with bored eyes as the steam rose from the liquid and disappeared into the air the further it rose.

Kyo let out a soft sound from his throat in regards to the comment, agreeing that the restaurant was rather dull but he couldn't complain. Places like these he always found to be quite...well, comforting, if that made any sense. The moment the young waiter commented on his night he had to laugh, a somewhat dark grin passing over his lips as he let his eyes rest on the young man's. “Rough night,” he echoed, voice soft yet holding a somewhat laughing tone to it. That was certainly the world's biggest understatement.

“Well it certainly wasn't an easy night, I'll tell you that much. I had a run-in with one of those failed experiment types down town. Crazy little Feel & Flow with a bad temper. One of the most draining experiences of my life,” the smaller chuckled with a roll of the eyes.


As Kanon realised the man was taliking about his self-made break, he smirked casually. "A little bit of both," he answered. "But no, I don't do this very often. Not here at least."

But Kanon soon unwillingly froze as the stranger was half through his comment on the "Rought night". He'd run into another failed experiment? The dark haired had barely met others like him before, and it was rare that they survived even the first weeks after being abandoned. And the few ones he'd actually met had either been dying or mentally broke down. Kanon was certain he had to be about the only survivor in long term. But... There were others? And as close as down town? Also, this didn't sound as the usual dying or the helpless staring-into-noting,-mumbling type...

Wait a mintute. Commoners weren't supposed to know much about the New Breed project. Most people had barely heard about it. Few knew what it actually meant. Even less had any clue about what was going on in there, and what became of the different experiments. How come this man even knew the term "Failed experiment"? Was he a cientist maybe?

Deciding to keep it calm, Kanon forced himself to realaxe again. "A failed experiment, huh?" he mumbled, clear enough for the other to hear it. "Could you maybe explain more about... uhm... it?"

so now I'm stuck, waiting for Kyo to update >_>
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