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3 posters
Ieth Sacero
Medlem av SokkeParaden
Ieth Sacero

Antall Innlegg : 394
Age : 29
Location : På et forum, kan du gjette hvor?
Humor : Min humor skyter din til bunden av havet ^^
Registration date : 27.01.2008

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PosteTema: Quote   Quote Icon_minitimeTir Jan 29, 2008 5:07 pm

Favoritt Quoten din?
"I Don't Believe in god, but I pray for you" Fra Faraway sangen til Apocalyptica.
"So much to live for, and so much to die for. If only my heart had a home." Også en sang, Dead booys poem av Nightwish ^^ <33
"Don't tell youre problems to any peopel; 20% Don't care and the rest 80% are glad you have them" Fant en eller annen plass, husker ikke hvor.
"If you go, I wanna go with you. And if you die, I wanna to die with you. Take youre hand and walk away" Lonley Day av System Of A Down.
Klarer ikke velge mellom disse jeg x].....
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Antall Innlegg : 903
Location : I Kios sokkeskuff....
Humor : Alt som ikke er morsomt
Registration date : 02.01.2008

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PosteTema: Re: Quote   Quote Icon_minitimeTir Jan 29, 2008 8:02 pm

"a wound will heal with time, but always leave a scar" - en eller annen på
"no cactus is covered with thorns to the point where there is no place for a single flower" - fant den på et kort som lå på bakken...
"I may be sad, my tears may fall, I may be a crybaby that always needs comforting friends, but at least I have feelings" - nyyydelig sitat fra en eller annen anime.
"I cant seen to under stand it all, you turned out to be so good. you tried but where caught red handed, are you happy with your goal. I'ts funny to me how you've turned into such a joke." - False Pretense av the red jumpsuit apparatus.
"'caure I'd rather feel pain then nothing at all" Pain av 3DG
"I'm not afrai of tomorrow, I'm only scared of my self. feels like my isides are on fire, and I'm looking through the eyes of someone else." - tomorrow av SR71
"is it any wonder why, the answer keeps me petrified? Is it any wonder why I'm scared?" - samme sang litt lenger utti.

jeg hadde en del ja... x]
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Ieth Sacero
Medlem av SokkeParaden
Ieth Sacero

Antall Innlegg : 394
Age : 29
Location : På et forum, kan du gjette hvor?
Humor : Min humor skyter din til bunden av havet ^^
Registration date : 27.01.2008

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PosteTema: Re: Quote   Quote Icon_minitimeTor Jan 31, 2008 6:35 pm

Meg har en til x].....
"Behind every beautiful thing it is some kind of pain" Fra ett bilde moa har x]
"I Love walking in the rain, 'cause no one knows I'm crying" fra bilde
"The Best part of Believe is the lie" bilde x]
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Antall Innlegg : 903
Location : I Kios sokkeskuff....
Humor : Alt som ikke er morsomt
Registration date : 02.01.2008

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PosteTema: Re: Quote   Quote Icon_minitimeTor Jan 31, 2008 7:58 pm

"can't spell slaughter without laughter"
"when life hands you lemons, stick them down you bra, and make your boobs look bigger"
"Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can shatter a soul."
"Sometimes people put up walls not to keep ohter out but to see who cares enough to tear them down"
"I don't run away from you. I walk away slowly. And it kills me because you don't care enough to stop me"
"Sometimes people run away just to see if anyone cares to follow"
"Sometimes when i say "oh I'm fine" I want someone to look me in the eye and say "tell the truth""
"Crying is the same in every language."
"I love you is eight letters.... so if bullshit"
"A broken heart never really heals"
"Pain doesn't hurt when it's all you ever felt"
"A broken angel destined to fly; broken and bleeding, but too strong to cry."
"Some of us think holding on makes us strong, but sometimes, it's letting go"
"I'm falling now, but I get the satisfaction of knowing that you can no longer hurt me once I finally hit the ground"
" I'll write your name on a bullet so that everyone knows you were the last thing to go through my mind"
"Never fear the shadows; it only means that light is shining somewhere else."
"even if humans couldn't fly, you will always soar in my eyes."
"just because i don't say it, doesn't mean i don't love you."
"because we can't. because of the consequences. because of everything thats out there. all those "becauses" are starting to sound like "what if we fell apart""
"if somebody told me i was meant to save the world, if somebody told me that it was all up to me, i would tell them that they were wrong."
"i know. i know why you don't smile. i know why you don't have any friends. i know it, because we're in the same depression, the kind that never ends."
"just because you're not here doesn't mean that i dont see your face everywhere i go."
"too bad you never told me that you loved me, too bad you never cared, because maybe if you had, i wouldn't be lost out there."
"i dont want you to tell me that i'm 'hot', i want to hear that im 'beautiful'. i don't want to hear that you want to 'bang me', i want to hear you say 'make love'. i don't want you to pretend like you have to make up and act for me, because i'll never judge you like they would, i'll never make fun of you just because you showed me your feelings. i'll love you even more, for you to show that you care."

de er så triiisteeeee TToTT
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Tári Midaki
Tári Midaki

Antall Innlegg : 927
Age : 31
Location : Sokkeplaneten
Humor : Nei den Druknet i dass x]
Registration date : 02.01.2008

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PosteTema: Re: Quote   Quote Icon_minitimeFre Feb 01, 2008 10:00 pm


"Remember no matter how strong you are, you'll fall appart"
"Hapiness is just a word to me"
"Learning to smile"
"I don't think you realise how easily you make me smile"
"would you think i was crazy if Isad you made me smile the first time i saw you and haven't stopped since?"
"google is your friend, if you know how to use it" xD måtte bare....
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Antall Innlegg : 903
Location : I Kios sokkeskuff....
Humor : Alt som ikke er morsomt
Registration date : 02.01.2008

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PosteTema: Re: Quote   Quote Icon_minitimeSøn Mar 02, 2008 1:51 am

"I wanna hurt you, just to hear you screamin' my name" - Poison av Alice Cooper... *drool* KOFFERT O.o
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Tári Midaki
Tári Midaki

Antall Innlegg : 927
Age : 31
Location : Sokkeplaneten
Humor : Nei den Druknet i dass x]
Registration date : 02.01.2008

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PosteTema: Re: Quote   Quote Icon_minitimeMan Mar 10, 2008 6:50 pm

Minna meg om voldtekstforbryter setninger O___O"
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Ieth Sacero
Medlem av SokkeParaden
Ieth Sacero

Antall Innlegg : 394
Age : 29
Location : På et forum, kan du gjette hvor?
Humor : Min humor skyter din til bunden av havet ^^
Registration date : 27.01.2008

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PosteTema: Re: Quote   Quote Icon_minitimeLør Sep 13, 2008 12:55 am

Suigetsu skrev:
"I wanna hurt you, just to hear you screamin' my name" - Poison av Alice Cooper... *drool* KOFFERT O.o

Den sangen Er Totally konge. ^^ gliiise
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Tári Midaki
Tári Midaki

Antall Innlegg : 927
Age : 31
Location : Sokkeplaneten
Humor : Nei den Druknet i dass x]
Registration date : 02.01.2008

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PosteTema: Re: Quote   Quote Icon_minitimeLør Sep 13, 2008 1:24 pm

"You can never stop me, when I love you."
"We're not weird, we're just cooler than you."
"It Tears me into little pieces, to see how much you don't care about me anymore"
"I wish I was so invisible that you make me feel."
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Ieth Sacero
Medlem av SokkeParaden
Ieth Sacero

Antall Innlegg : 394
Age : 29
Location : På et forum, kan du gjette hvor?
Humor : Min humor skyter din til bunden av havet ^^
Registration date : 27.01.2008

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PosteTema: Re: Quote   Quote Icon_minitimeLør Sep 13, 2008 8:31 pm

Fy søren det er mangen fine her. T_T
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Antall Innlegg : 903
Location : I Kios sokkeskuff....
Humor : Alt som ikke er morsomt
Registration date : 02.01.2008

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PosteTema: Re: Quote   Quote Icon_minitimeLør Sep 13, 2008 9:13 pm

mhm! ^^

"forbidden to remember, terrified to forget" - New Moon... tror jeg
"I don't deserve love, but I can't live without" - diktet mitt - I was right (på quizilla)
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Ieth Sacero
Medlem av SokkeParaden
Ieth Sacero

Antall Innlegg : 394
Age : 29
Location : På et forum, kan du gjette hvor?
Humor : Min humor skyter din til bunden av havet ^^
Registration date : 27.01.2008

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PosteTema: Re: Quote   Quote Icon_minitimeLør Sep 13, 2008 9:16 pm

"When you live forever, What do you live for?" Twilight. :3
"You left me broken, a few months after my heart's still bleeding. Still Now I Love you." Jeg leste det en eller annen plass, falt for det. Bokstavelig talt.
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Antall Innlegg : 903
Location : I Kios sokkeskuff....
Humor : Alt som ikke er morsomt
Registration date : 02.01.2008

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PosteTema: Re: Quote   Quote Icon_minitimeLør Sep 13, 2008 9:17 pm

dream theater?

"I'm not suffering from A.T.E.C. syndrome, I'm enyoing every second of it"
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Ieth Sacero
Medlem av SokkeParaden
Ieth Sacero

Antall Innlegg : 394
Age : 29
Location : På et forum, kan du gjette hvor?
Humor : Min humor skyter din til bunden av havet ^^
Registration date : 27.01.2008

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PosteTema: Re: Quote   Quote Icon_minitimeLør Sep 13, 2008 9:19 pm

Nei, jeg tror ikke det. Husker ikke.
Men jeg har fra Dream Theater. ^^
"Love is an act of blood, and I'm bleeding."
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Tári Midaki
Tári Midaki

Antall Innlegg : 927
Age : 31
Location : Sokkeplaneten
Humor : Nei den Druknet i dass x]
Registration date : 02.01.2008

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PosteTema: Re: Quote   Quote Icon_minitimeLør Sep 13, 2008 9:57 pm

Ieth Tinúviel skrev:

"Love is an act of blood, and I'm bleeding."

Det var Nydeligt O__o Hvilken sang av Dream Theater da?. Den må jeg høre. :3
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