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Antall Innlegg : 144
Age : 31
Registration date : 16.12.2008

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PosteTema: Re: Ctrl+V   Ctrl+V - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMan Apr 06, 2009 1:06 am

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Antall Innlegg : 903
Location : I Kios sokkeskuff....
Humor : Alt som ikke er morsomt
Registration date : 02.01.2008

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PosteTema: Re: Ctrl+V   Ctrl+V - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMan Apr 06, 2009 1:17 am

Sitat :

anbefaler at dere IKKE leser den
._. necofili

...og død gackt ._.
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Motstanderen til sokkeparaden

Antall Innlegg : 144
Age : 31
Registration date : 16.12.2008

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PosteTema: Re: Ctrl+V   Ctrl+V - Page 3 Icon_minitimeTor Apr 16, 2009 5:58 pm

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Ieth Sacero
Medlem av SokkeParaden
Ieth Sacero

Antall Innlegg : 394
Age : 29
Location : På et forum, kan du gjette hvor?
Humor : Min humor skyter din til bunden av havet ^^
Registration date : 27.01.2008

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PosteTema: Re: Ctrl+V   Ctrl+V - Page 3 Icon_minitimeTor Apr 16, 2009 6:30 pm


en v? o.o
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Antall Innlegg : 903
Location : I Kios sokkeskuff....
Humor : Alt som ikke er morsomt
Registration date : 02.01.2008

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PosteTema: Re: Ctrl+V   Ctrl+V - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSøn Apr 19, 2009 10:24 pm

Sitat :
did they ever happen to find out what caused the extreme dicreasing in electrical activiti in the latter part of your head when you were little, and if so, are they working on a cure?

ikke spør. jeg venter ennå på svar ._.
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Tári Midaki
Tári Midaki

Antall Innlegg : 927
Age : 31
Location : Sokkeplaneten
Humor : Nei den Druknet i dass x]
Registration date : 02.01.2008

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PosteTema: Re: Ctrl+V   Ctrl+V - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMan Apr 20, 2009 4:18 pm

Jonathan, Friend of Tár. skrev:
Why love what you're going to lose?
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Antall Innlegg : 903
Location : I Kios sokkeskuff....
Humor : Alt som ikke er morsomt
Registration date : 02.01.2008

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PosteTema: Re: Ctrl+V   Ctrl+V - Page 3 Icon_minitimeTir Apr 21, 2009 7:06 pm

Sitat :
Faktastil om kua, skrevet av en barneskoleelev :-)
Historien om Kua

Kua er et husdyr... Men den kommer også utenfor huset.
Og den lever
ofte på landet, men den kommer også inn til byen, men
bare når den
skal dø. Men det bestemmer den ikke selv.
Kua har syv sider... Den øverste siden - Den nederste
siden – Den forreste siden - Den bakerste siden - Den ene siden -
Den andre siden - Og den innvendige siden. På den fremste siden sitter hodet... Og det er fordi hornene skal ha noe å sitte fast på. Hornene er av horn og de er bare til pynt. De kan ikke bevege seg, men det kan ørene. De sitter ved siden av hornene.Kua har to hull foran i hodet. De kalles ku-øyer. Kuas munn kalles mule. Det er nok fordi den sier muuhh.

På den bakerste siden sitter halen... Den bruker den til å jage vekk fluer med, så de ikke faller ned i melka og drukner.

På den øverste siden - Og den ene siden - Og den andre siden, er det kun hår... Det heter ku-hår og har alltid samme farge som kua. Fargen til kua heter kulør.

Den nederste siden er den viktigste for der henger melka. Og når budeia åpner kranene så renner melka ut. Når det tordner så blir melka sur... men hvordan den blir det har jeg ikke lært meg ennå. Kua har fire ben... De heter ku-ben. De kan også brukes til å trekke ut spiker med. Kua spiser ikke så mye, men når den gjør det spiser den alltid to ganger. De fete kuene lager helmelk. Når kua har dårlig mage lager den ost. I osten er det hull. Men hvordan den lager hullene har jeg heller ikke lært ennå.

Kua har god luktesans... Vi kan lukte den på lang avstand. Kuas valper heter kalver. Kalvens far heter okse, og det gjør kuas mann også. Oksen lager ikke melk og er derfor ikke et pattedyr.

Den som kommer og henter kua når den blir gammel heter ku-fanger. Den sitter ofte foran på biler. Så blir kua slaktet, man heller melka på pappkartonger som vi kan kjøpe på butikken. Kuas fire ben blir sendt til snekkeren. Det kalles gjenbruk.

Som man kan se er kua et nyttig dyr. Og derfor liker jeg kua veldig godt.

Lærerens kommentar: Jeg har aldri lest noe lignende!

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Tári Midaki
Tári Midaki

Antall Innlegg : 927
Age : 31
Location : Sokkeplaneten
Humor : Nei den Druknet i dass x]
Registration date : 02.01.2008

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PosteTema: Re: Ctrl+V   Ctrl+V - Page 3 Icon_minitimeOns Apr 22, 2009 3:48 pm

Sitat :
TV is on, and I'm talking on the phone.
PC's left on too, all at the same time.
No space on the floor, I could open a store.
It's almost 4, questions are on my mind.

If I lose ‘em all, what would happen to me?
Ain't no sleepless night,it ain't goin' to kill me.
If I lose ‘em all, what would happen to me?
What's the big deal? I am all I need.

Tigers following me, spiders watching me
As if they're my friends, waiting for me to sleep
Words they throw at me, are bringing me down
But I'm reaching out toward a higher ground

If I lose ‘em all, what would happen to me?
Ain't no sleepless night,it ain't goin' to kill me.
If I lose ‘em all, what would happen to me?
What's the big deal? I am all I need.

Just throw them away,
Take all away
Too heavy if you wanna win the game
Get out of my way,
Take it if you want! (Bring it on!!)

Just throw them away,
Take all away
They got better places to go anyway
Get out of my way,
Take it if you want!

(Break it down now!!)

Just throw them away,
Take all away
Too heavy if you wanna win the game
Get out of my way,
Take it if you want! (That's Fre@k $HoW!!)

Just throw them away,
Take all away
They got better places to go anyway
Get out of my way,
Take it if you want! (Bring it on!!)

Just throw them away,
Take all away
Too heavy if you wanna win the game
Get out of my way,
Take it if you want! (Bring it on!!)

Just throw them away,
Take all away
They got better places to go anyway
Get out of my way,
Take it if you want!
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Antall Innlegg : 903
Location : I Kios sokkeskuff....
Humor : Alt som ikke er morsomt
Registration date : 02.01.2008

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PosteTema: Re: Ctrl+V   Ctrl+V - Page 3 Icon_minitimeTor Apr 23, 2009 5:26 pm

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Tári Midaki
Tári Midaki

Antall Innlegg : 927
Age : 31
Location : Sokkeplaneten
Humor : Nei den Druknet i dass x]
Registration date : 02.01.2008

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PosteTema: Re: Ctrl+V   Ctrl+V - Page 3 Icon_minitimeTor Apr 23, 2009 6:13 pm

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Antall Innlegg : 903
Location : I Kios sokkeskuff....
Humor : Alt som ikke er morsomt
Registration date : 02.01.2008

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PosteTema: Re: Ctrl+V   Ctrl+V - Page 3 Icon_minitimeTor Apr 23, 2009 9:52 pm

Sitat :
the first letter, the last letter

by Kurara

Part 1

Aiji walked into the studio sleepily. Last night he couldn't get to
sleep at all. His two neighbors had finally decided to get together
and spent the whole night fucking loudly next door... //And against
our joining wall...// he mused.

Jun jumped into view and grabbed his arm quickly, pulling him before
Aiji could protest. Jun stopped outside of the practice room door
and peered in, snickering. "Look Aiji! They finally got together!"

Aiji peered over Jun's shoulder and gasped as he saw Takeo and Kirito
(YES!! I WILL NOT GIVE UP ON THIS MINNA!!!) making out behind Takeo's
drumset. Aiji was still tired, however, and ended up falling on Jun,
who ended up on the floor, pulling him Aiji with himself. Aiji
groaned, but didn't get up as he was actually feeling pretty
comfortable and Jun wasn't making any effort to get up himself.

A clearing of the throat got thier attention up and they both looked
up to see Kohta looking down at them. Aiji blushed and scrambled up,
pulling Jun with him. "No screwing in the studio." Kohta winked and
walked into the practice room, only to walk back out in
disgust. "Aghh!!!" He sat on a couch and clutched at his
eyes. "THEY BURN!!!"

Jun ran over to his friend and tried to comfort the bassist. Aiji
just laughed and plopped down on a couch, tuning his guitar. Soon,
Kirito stormed in. "What are you all doing in here! We have

Jun grinned. "Looks like you just got finished with tongue
practice!" He made "smootchie" sounds while pretending to fondle
Kohta, who just blushed the whole time.

Kirito stopped his yelling, realizing they had seen before going as
calmly as possible back to the practice room, Jun making "ooooo!"
noises. (I KNOW Jun can't be like this... so just say he's hyper
this morning ^^).

Aiji laughed lightly and walked into the practice room, giving a
thumbs up to Takeo and setting up his guitar. Kohta soon followed
with Jun on his arm. Jun smiled widely at Takeo, who blushed and
turned to Kirito for help, but Kirito was standing at the front,
waiting patiently for them to start a song.


"Aiji!" Jun hugged the guitarist from behind. "Let's go out for
drinks, okay?"

Aiji smiled. "Sure. I can't stand to be at home with those people
next door."

"Oh, fighting again?"

Aiji shook his head. "Worse, screwing each other's brains out."

Jun winced. "Ow!" He twirled his keys around on his finger. "Well,
if you want, you can stay at my place until they get it out of their

Aiji smiled. "Thanks Jun!"

"Sure! Why don't we get your stuff to my place before we get drunk?
Then we won't have to worry about it."

Aiji nodded. "Sure thing."


"Make yourself at home, this won't take long." Aiji sat as he put
down his guitar and ran off to his room.

Jun sat on the couch and hugged his knees. Aiji wasn't kidding.
Loud moans and the sounds of bodies banging against the wall were
easily heard, and not easily blocked out. Luckily, Aiji told the
truth and it didn't take long. Aiji had a pillow under one arm and a
bag of clothes shoved into a shopping bag on the other. He looked at
his guitar pitifully.

Jun smiled. "I'll get it." And he lifted it up. "Iku?"

Aiji nodded. "Hai!"


Aiji laughed and wrapped his arms around Jun. "That... that... was
fuu... fuu..." Aiji stuck out his tongue and looked at it
quizzically with crossed eyes, as if trying to figure out why it
wasn't working properly, before taking a deep breath and trying
again. "That was fuuu... FUNNY!" Then he smiled and sat with his
hands in his lap, proud of himself.

Jun poked Aiji's head. "You're drunk!" Jun wasn't as drunk, as he
wasn't the one that insisted to see how many beers he could down in
two minutes, and so was realitively sober by this point.

Aiji pouted and breathed into Jun's face. "Do I smell drunk?"

Jun coughed. "YES!! And it stinks! Let's get you home!"

Aiji started to cry. "You don't love me anymore!" He buried his
head in his arms and started to sob.

Jun laughed. "Oh god are you gonna have a hangover tommaorow!"

Aiji sniffed and looked up into Jun's eyes. "Juuuuu... I feel
sick..." He grabbed his stomach.

"OH NO!!! Not on me!!" Jun turned Aiji's head and forced it down as
Aiji began to throw up on the floor, causing everyone to back away.
Jun rubbed Aiji's back as he got the last of the throw up out.

When Aiji was finished, he looked up with more tears as Jun wiped his
mouth with a napkin. "Juuuu... I wanna go home..."

Jun nodded and helped Aiji to stand. "Yeah, let's go. You need a
shower anyway. You stink!"

Aiji pouted. "Juuuu doesn't love me anymore..."

Jun smiled. "I still love you. You're just an idiot, that's all!"

"I'm not a... what?"

"Nothing Aiji, let's go home."


Aiji sat in the hot bath, hugging his knees, much more sober now that
he'd thrown up at the bar and twice more in Jun's toliet. He rested
his chin on the top of his knees and sighed, the beginnings of a
headache starting. //I'm in Jun's apatto...// he looked
around. //It's nice... like Jun...// Aiji cocked his
head. //Like... Jun? When did I start associating nice with Jun?//
He blinked. //Well, Jun IS nice. He's a good friend.// Aiji nodded
and closed his eyes. //Very nice...//


Jun knocked on the bathroom door. "Aiji! Are you alright? You've
been in there for over an hour!" No response. "Aiji... I'm coming
in, okay?" Jun slowly opened the door and saw Aiji in the tub,
asleep. Jun sighed and put a hand to Aiji's forehead. "Hot..." he
mumbled before shaking Aiji. "Aiji... Aiji-chan... Aiji... you have
to get up..."

Jun bit his lip. Aiji didn't seem like he was going to get up any
time soon. "Oh Aiji..." Jun got out a robe and a towel and lifted
Aiji out. Aiji started showing some conciousness, and luckily was
able to keep himself somewhat upright as Jun dried him.

"Jun... I'm dizzy..."

"You fell asleep in the tub, Aiji. It's probably from the heat."
Aiji nodded and after Jun put the robe on him, hugged the other
guitarist. "Aiji?"

"I'm jealous..."

"Of who?"

Aiji pouted. "Takeo and Kirito..."

Jun smiled. "How come? You should be happy for them."

Aiji shook his head. "I am... but I'm jealous too..."


Aiji looked down. "Because I want love too..."

Jun felt as though he'd been stabbed. //Aiji feels unloved?!// He
bit his lip and held onto the other guitarist. "Aiji..."

Aiji started to cry into Jun's shoulder. "I want somebody, Jun, I
want SOMEone... ANYone so bad... it... it hurts... I don't care if
they hurt me... I don't care if they abuse me... I... I just
want..." Aiji couldn't speak anymore as the tears came harder.

//He's drunk! He has to be! Aiji knows he's loved!// Jun helped
Aiji get to the bed and he laid him down. Thinking the other
guitarist was asleep, Jun started to walk away when he heard Aiji
start to cry again. "Aiji?"

"Now even you're leaving me..." Aiji sobbed and hugged the pillow.

Jun shook his head. "No, Aiji-chan, I'm not leaving..." he hurriedly
took off his shirt and went into the bed. "I'm here..." He wrapped
his arms around Aiji. "I'm here... don't cry..."

Aiji nodded againt Jun's chest as he cried himself to sleep. Jun
sighed. //Aiji...// he stroked Aiji's hair, looking into the pained
face. //It hurts, you know? I can't even tell you how I feel...//
Jun kissed Aiji's forehead and fell off into sleep himself.


to be continued...

email author

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Motstanderen til sokkeparaden

Antall Innlegg : 144
Age : 31
Registration date : 16.12.2008

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PosteTema: Re: Ctrl+V   Ctrl+V - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFre Apr 24, 2009 12:00 pm

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Tári Midaki
Tári Midaki

Antall Innlegg : 927
Age : 31
Location : Sokkeplaneten
Humor : Nei den Druknet i dass x]
Registration date : 02.01.2008

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PosteTema: Re: Ctrl+V   Ctrl+V - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFre Apr 24, 2009 4:26 pm

Pandora Hearts Episode 3. "Prisoner & Alichino" Episode 3 Download:
Be Sure to Visit to watch more Animes
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Antall Innlegg : 903
Location : I Kios sokkeskuff....
Humor : Alt som ikke er morsomt
Registration date : 02.01.2008

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PosteTema: Re: Ctrl+V   Ctrl+V - Page 3 Icon_minitimeLør Apr 25, 2009 8:27 pm

Sitat :

Sakito liked to think he had an analytical mind. Testament of that were the about a dozen notebooks that he kept. The majority of those were reserved for songwriting, though they didn’t only contain scribbles of lyrics and sheet music, but they also had plenty of little drawings. There was a neat list of all Nightmare’s songs, sorted by key, riffs, themes, moods and so on. Often, little drawings and graphs were found, with calculations about how successful a song could be, the musical elements measured out carefully against sales numbers and the band’s own satisfaction.

The most special one out of all the notebooks was easily to distinguish from the others as it was a thick book with a special cover, as if it had an inlay of small bronze pieces and was of old age. The notebook had immediately captured his attention in the bookstore, and he had purchased it with the thought of giving it to his little sister as a birthday present. However, he ended up keeping it to himself because he liked it so much. His sister had been happier with the money he had given her instead, anyway.

Also the purpose of it was special and if Sakito was completely honest about it, he was sometimes embarrassed about its existence and he often thought he wasn’t any better than their own crazy fan girls. It originally started as a normal journal, writing down the things he did every day seeing as he preferred writing on paper over keeping an online journal. However, from everyday happenings, it quickly turned into a journal based on only one thing: his enormous crush on Hitsugi.

The journal contained numerous reports of things that the quiet guitarist did on a day, his habits, in what way he had reacted to things, what he liked and made him smile, topics that Sakito better should avoid, how much sugar he usually put in his coffee (two scoops and a little bit of milk, sometimes black but only in the morning) and so on. It had an extensive list with the title “Things I Want To Know About Hitsugi”, then the answer of quite a number of them, which he had obtained by carefully observing him, conversations, interviews with press and various other ways. And then the list of “Things I want to do with, or to Hitsugi”, which started with quite normal things such as “going to the flee market because I want to share the colorful experience with him” to things he had jotted down when he was in a less coherent state of mind when Mr. Daniels kept him company on lonely nights. Amongst them was a number of positions and locations, almost sinful longings which, when he read them again, actually managed to turn him on as he imagined the two of them in then, despite the fact that they were just a collection of words written down on a piece of paper, signed by himself.

However, there was one thing that the journal couldn’t help him with, and that was actually making Hitsugi’s his, to turn his scribbles into reality. There were several reasons that prevented him from making a move, though he had definitely made a number of tiny steps. For a start, he didn’t want to cause any trouble within the band’s atmosphere and he didn’t even have the faintest clue if the guitarist was interested in other men. He knew that the guitarist was extremely shy, very timid, which was also the reason why he always used so much make-up, to hide himself behind the thick layer. He really didn’t want to make him uncomfortable and have awkward moments between the two of them and the chance that he liked him back, seemed to be very minimal. What he wanted most was to make Hitsugi happy, and if that meant he couldn’t be with him, then so would it be.

Still, there were a few things that he knew would definitely help to romance Hitsugi. From observing him, he knew what he liked and he always paid a lot of attention when subjects related to relationships came up in interviews. He seemed to be very romantic, and had once named holidays such as Christmas, New Year or Valentine’s Day as the perfect day for confessions and that’s why Sakito got really jittery around these days, contemplating whether he would confess to his band mate or not. For the past few years, he had always decided ‘no’, which made him spend his Christmases in a lonely, grumpy way.

However, next to being jittery, grumpy and indecisive during this time just before Christmas, Sakito was bothered by something else this time. His special notebook was nowhere to be found.

... to be continued
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Tári Midaki
Tári Midaki

Antall Innlegg : 927
Age : 31
Location : Sokkeplaneten
Humor : Nei den Druknet i dass x]
Registration date : 02.01.2008

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PosteTema: Re: Ctrl+V   Ctrl+V - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSøn Apr 26, 2009 1:29 am

Sitat :
*drøm søt ;P
Tár (Ute x_o) sier:
*drøm søt = yaoi. ^^^^
*drøm frekt då xP
Tár (Ute x_o) sier:
*...drøm frekt = hard core yaoi. x]
*drøm fælt då! ;P
Tár (Ute x_o) sier:
*drøm fælt = blodig yaoi.
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Antall Innlegg : 903
Location : I Kios sokkeskuff....
Humor : Alt som ikke er morsomt
Registration date : 02.01.2008

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PosteTema: Re: Ctrl+V   Ctrl+V - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSøn Apr 26, 2009 5:04 pm

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Tári Midaki
Tári Midaki

Antall Innlegg : 927
Age : 31
Location : Sokkeplaneten
Humor : Nei den Druknet i dass x]
Registration date : 02.01.2008

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PosteTema: Re: Ctrl+V   Ctrl+V - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMan Mai 04, 2009 2:56 pm

Analyse av idretten
En plan for hvordan du ser for deg at man skal trene for å nå målet
Treningsøkter for 4 uker (2/3 treninger pr uke)
Leveres it`s learning tirsdag 5.mai innen kl.24.00, eller skriftlig onsdag morgen.
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Antall Innlegg : 903
Location : I Kios sokkeskuff....
Humor : Alt som ikke er morsomt
Registration date : 02.01.2008

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PosteTema: Re: Ctrl+V   Ctrl+V - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMan Mai 04, 2009 9:48 pm

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Ieth Sacero
Medlem av SokkeParaden
Ieth Sacero

Antall Innlegg : 394
Age : 29
Location : På et forum, kan du gjette hvor?
Humor : Min humor skyter din til bunden av havet ^^
Registration date : 27.01.2008

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PosteTema: Re: Ctrl+V   Ctrl+V - Page 3 Icon_minitimeTor Mai 07, 2009 12:51 pm

Tári Midaki skrev:
Ieth have you ever tried poking someone while standing on your hands and dancin' the caramell dance?

Suigetsu skrev:
Ieth, are you capable of reproducing?

Tári Midaki skrev:
Iethen forvirrer. O,e

Ieth; Have you ever considred marrige? x3

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Antall Innlegg : 903
Location : I Kios sokkeskuff....
Humor : Alt som ikke er morsomt
Registration date : 02.01.2008

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PosteTema: Re: Ctrl+V   Ctrl+V - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMan Mai 11, 2009 8:13 pm

Raude som Blod.
Kvar dag står eg opp. Kvar dag går eg på skulen. Kvar dag kjem eg heim att. Og kvar dag legg eg me til å sove igjen. Det er det same dag etter dag. Det har inga meining. Det har inga hensikt. Korfor lever eg? Eg spurte meg sjølv dette. Eg fekk inga svar. Eg spurte familien. Dei ignorerte meg. Eg ville spørje ein venn, men det har eg ikkje. Åssen enda eg opp her? Eg hugsar då vagt at eg ein gong hadde venner. At eg ein gong var elska av familien min. At eg ein gong kunne finne ut ting sjølve. Men det er lenge sia. No har eg ingen.

Eller, jo. Eg har Jasmine.

Tusen takk, Jasmine, for at du ikkje gløymde meg, men eg er redd det ikkje er nok lenger. Eg ville så gjerne at du skulle ha ei framtid. Sleppe å måtte passe på meg heile tida. Men slik det var, var det umogleg. I denne tilstand gjekk det berre ikkje.

Tusen takk, Jasmine. Eg gjorde det ikkje berre for meg sjølve, men for deg og.

Far vell.


NB: Hugsar du treet i skogen?

Jasmine leste brevet igjen. Ho kunne kjenne varme tårer gli nedover kinna. Daniel hadde vert borte i fem dagar, og etterlysningar hadde begynt å dukke opp i avisar. Dei var utan resultat. Jasmine hadde blitt meir og meir uroleg for han. Men i dag hadde ho altså fått eit brev i posten. Det var signert av Daniel. Det var Daniels handskrift. Men orda var så ulike han. Daniel var jo den mest positive og livsglade personen ho nokon gong hadde stifta kjennskap til. Dette brevet stemde ikkje ved den guten ho kjende så godt. Nei, det kunne ikkje vere sant. Ho nekta å tru det.

Men tårene halt fram med å renne.

Ho leste brevet ein gong til. No begynte papiret å bli vått. Jasmine stansa ved NBet. ” Hugsar du treet i skogen?” Ja, ho hugsa treet i skogen. Det treet de alltid bruka å sitje i når dei gøymde seg for fru Pedersen etter at dei hadde våre på epleslang. Treet der Daniel hadde rissa inn D+J. Å jo. Ho hugsa treet. Jasmine folda brevet og putta det i lomma. Deretter tok ho på seg jakke og sko. Kanskje hadde han lagt igjen eit nytt brev der? Eit brev med instruksjonar om kvar han opphaldt seg no. Eller kanskje han faktisk satt i den hole trestammen og gjømte seg? Nei, ho hadde for store forhåpningar.

Korfor kunne ikkje tårene slutte å renne?

Det tok henne berre tre minuttar å springe ut til treet i skogen. Vanlegvis ville det tatt fem. Vanlegvis. Men då treet kom til syne, stod det berre der, slik det alltid hadde gjort. Ho gjekk forsiktig bort til inrissinga, og let fingeren stryke over bokstavane. Til hennar redsle var det no rissa eit stort kryss over bokstavane. Jasmine kunne kjenne hjartet banke smertefullt i brystet. Kva no? Ho gjekk over til baksida av treet for å smette inn i den hole stammen. Men då såg ho det. I det gule graset var det ein godt synleg mørkeraud flekk. Og med sida av stod det eit par med joggesko fint oppstilt. Jasmine kjende dei joggeskoa så alt for godt. Ho hadde ein gong klaga på at dei var for slitte og at han burde få seg nye. Jasmine svelgde og bevega blikket oppover. Dess lengre opp ho kom, dess meir verka brystet hennar. Til slutt kunne ho berre kjenne den intense smerta som dunka i takt med hjerteslaga hennar. Og ho stira inn i to hasselbrune auge. Dei auga ho så mange gonger hadde sagt var nydelege. No var dei tome og daude. Jasmine skreik. Ho kunne høyre sin egen stemme gjalle gjennom skogen. Men ho kunne ikkje kjenne seg sjølv skrike. Ho kunne berre kjenne den intense smerta i brystet. No endå verre enn før.

Og tårene held fram med å renne.

Jasmine visste ikkje kvar ho skulle gjere av seg. Ho kunne ikkje stoppe den ukontrollerte smertefulle hulkinga. Nokon kom og la eit teppe om dei smale skuldra hennar, men ho fekk ikkje med seg kven det var. Nokon kom og ville føre henne vekk, men ho kjempa imot. Sparka og slo. Beit og klorte. Ho ville ikkje vekk herifrå. Men samtidig. Dette var også verst mogleg stad å vere. Ho burde kome seg vekk. Ho merka vagt at skogen blei full av folk. Etter kvart gjekk hulkinga hennar over til hiksting, og ho glei ut av medvit.

Men tårene vill ikkje slutte å renne.

Jasmine opna augo forvirra. Ho kunne høyre stemmar rundt seg, men ho klarte ikkje oppfatta kva dei sa. Med eitt kom ho på kva ho nettopp hadde funne, og begynte å hulke igjen. Nokon kom og la ein arm rundt henne, men ho veik ifrå han. Korfor? Korfor hadde han gjort dette? Hadde ikkje han lova henne å alltid vere der for henne? Jasmine følte seg svikta. Ho følte deg forrådt.

Og tårene slutta å renne. No var det tomt.

Ein månad hadde gått sidan ho fekk brevet. No låg det nedlåst i ein skuff ho aldri opna. Jasmine nekta å snakka med nokon. Ho ville ikkje eta. Foreldra hennar var bekymra, og sendte henne til psykolog. Jasmine hugsa det ikkje, men ho fekk høyra at ho hadde gått berserk og rive ned mesteparten av kontoret. Ho ville ikkje ha hjelp. Ingen kunne hjelpe no. Ho var svikta, såra og tom. Det var liksom ikkje meir att. Ho bruka å låse seg inn på rommet sitt og berre sitje der i timevis. Av og til dagevis. Foreldra hennar gav opp, og sluta å banke på døra hennar. Slutta å rope namnet hennar. Dei sa det ville gå over etter kvart. Kva visste vel dei?

Men det var inga tårer.

Ho satt innelåst på badet denne gongen. Bankinga i brystet hadde blitt verre i det siste. Jasmine stira ut i ingenting mens ho fomla med eit eller anna ho hadde funne i far si skuff. Ho ville ikkje meir. Det var ikkje verdt det. Jasmine tok eit godt tak i barberbladet, la det inntil den sårbare huda på underarmen, lukka auga og drog til.

Tårene kom tilbake igjen. Men denne gongen var dei raude. Raude som blod.
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Ayaka Midori
Kio's sokk
Ayaka Midori

Antall Innlegg : 228
Registration date : 25.01.2008

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PosteTema: Re: Ctrl+V   Ctrl+V - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFre Jul 24, 2009 7:39 pm

Sitat :
A pulse went around them- Uruha looked across the ground and railing that surrounded them, pulling Aoi closer in shock. He stumbled back, then realized the change was occurring all around him- and stood unmoving as the road and clean metal peeled and hissed away to reveal the grating, rust, and gore that rested beneath.

He stared at it, changing his footing as Aoi leaned heavier upon him- he turned, watch as Aoi struggled away and collapsed to his knees on the ground, coughing and spitting up. Red. It added to the stained world around them, and Uruha fell beside him, once again collecting Aoi into his arms. Blood ran from Aoi's lips and onto his arms in thin trails- he shut his eyes against it. He didn't want to see.

Aoi could stop breathing any moment. Or maybe he could go on for weeks. Uruha wasn't a doctor, he didn't know-


His eyes opened again, he moved a hand to the back of Aoi's head, keeping him cradled to his chest. "Kauffman."

Aoi coughed, slightly- no blood this time. "W-what?"

"He might be able to help you." He stood up, very slowly, helping Aoi back up to his feet. It was tedious work, he had to carry him most of the way. Anything that moved Aoi's chest hurt him. But they had to keep going. If they found Kyo, they could...

He shut his eyes. He had to think of a plan. They could hole up somewhere, send Kyo to look for him? He'd bring back Kaoru, he'd have some sort of...

He opened them again. No. Goodness, no. No more hiding, no more running. No more sneaking around.

He was going to find who was responsible for this. He was going to track Alessa down, whoever she was, and make her pay. All of this, it had to be connected to her somehow. Aoi's nightmares of burning, the memories he shouldn't have- what was she doing to him? And this, was this her doing as well? She was probably part of the cult. Just like her mother. She had to be responsible.

They'd started walking, but Uruha hadn't noticed until just now. He was going a little too fast for Aoi- he slowed down, apologizing softly, wrapping an arm across his back and around his stomach, trying to keep him supported. He seemed to be doing better... Uruha listened carefully to the breathing, listening to it go in and out. He couldn't hear any crackling. What did crackling mean? A broken rib? He stopped, a bit, pulling up Aoi's shirt to check the bandages. The red stains hadn't gotten any bigger, but that was no guarantee.

Nothing was, not anymore. He let Aoi's shirt drop back down, and reached both arms to support him. They continued walking.


Wandering through the docks at the end of the pier, they found themselves blocked from proceeding to the lighthouse. The door into the building that served as a gateway was locked. Uruha tried the rusted knob one more time, kicking it, but it stayed shut.

He backed away, looking over towards Aoi. The man leaned against the wall of the building, curled over slightly, looking sickly and unwell. Uruha went to him, picking him up a little and cradling him closer.

"Are you okay?"

Aoi nodded, but the motion was weak. Uruha pat his back, staring over his shoulder and out into the dark.

They'd spent too much time running, getting pulled along on this chase. Aoi was right all along. This was too dangerous. They should have never started any of this, to begin with... if he only hadn't crashed the damn car!

Aoi whimpered slightly- he realized he'd been squeezing Aoi's chest too hard, and instantly let go, apologizing repeatedly. Uruha pulled his hands away, and found them slightly wet from the bandages, now damp. He shut his eyes, holding Aoi close again. Something dripped from Aoi's lips onto his collar.

He opened them, slowly, and this time something caught his eye on the side of the pier. He moved slightly, holding up Aoi's weight as the two of them moved towards the railing. A stairwell descended into a lower portion of the dock that jutted slightly from the water. A boat was tied to the dock, bobbing gently in the black water of the lake.

Uruha breathed out heavily, staring down as Aoi's hand slipped into his. He squeezed it gently, looking back towards the watercraft. A small wooden plank stuck out from the dock and landed on the back deck of the ship; he stepped them a little closer to it, carefully eyeing the board and the black water that lapped at the boat underneath it. He squeezed Aoi's hand a little, testing the start of the board with his foot. It creaked and sagged, so he pulled back.

He took a deep breath, and shook his head. They were running out of time. Every second gone was one less that he had to find a way out of this place. To get Aoi to a hospital. A real hospital. He didn't have time to be cautious, not anymore.

"Aoi, you think you can make it over there? If I help you?"

The man looked up- almost scowling, looking a little sick. He nodded, after a moment, eyes still glued to Uruha's face. It was the only reassuring thing to look at. "I'll do it. I can do it."

He nodded, pulling Aoi a bit closer and trying to sneak his foot back on the board- their combined weight was too much, he realized. Taking a deep breath, he backed off, gently slipping his arm away from around Aoi's side- he quickly braced his palm against the shaking chest, helping Aoi keep upright.

"We're too heavy if we both go at once." He looked down at him, gripping his shoulder to get his attention
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